Exercise 1: Exploring an NTuple

The following exercises relate to the NTUPLEs and ROOT code found in /data/tutorial/. To get access to ROOT on the Cincinnati systems, use module load root (module save will persist your modules). You'll want to have graphical access to the systems, usually by adding -X -Y to your ssh login command.

Interactive commands

There is file named DVntuple-March04A.root. You can create a "symbolic link" to it in your subdirectory by executing the UNIX command:

uc:~ $ ln -s /data/tutorial/DVntuple-March04A.root .

Start ROOT by running the command root. Create a TBrowser and find the names of the NTUPLEs stored in this file.

One of the NTUPLEs obviously relates to the decay . Still in TBrowser, look at the invariant mass distribution of the candidates.

Variables associated with the candidate in this decay have the prefix PromptPi. Variables associated with the candidate in this decay have the prefix Lambda. Look at the invariant mass distribution of the candidates.

Using the interactive ROOT session, look first at the invariant mass distribution of the candidates and then at the invariant mass distribution of the candidates. To make the first histogram, you can use


What does XiDecayTuple mean here? What is the similar command to look at the candidates?

You can make a histogram of the candidates with mass in the range 1305 – 1340 MeV using the command

XiDecayTuple->Draw("Xi_MM","1305<Xi_MM && Xi_MM<1340");

Using a similar command, look at the invariant mass distribution for "good" candidates. What does it mean to be a "good" candidate?

Using a similar command, look at the invariant mass distribution for "bad" candidates. What does it mean to be a "bad" candidate?

We often identify candidates as LambdaLLs and LambdaDD according to whether the or tracks (whose variables are denoted by the prefix DecayPr or DecayPi) are long tracks or downstream tracks. These two categories are identified using the variables DecayPr_TRACK_Type and DecayPi_TRACK_Type. What values denote each of the categories? How can you tell?

Repeat the exercises of looking at invariant mass distributions for "good" and "bad" candidates separately for LambdaLL or LambdaDD categories. What conclusions can you draw?

Running an analysis script

There are several ways to work with data in ROOT. The following describes the classic MakeClass system for historical reasons. The other common methods are listed here.

  • Draw: The classic all-in-one method. Basically has its own mini-language. Besides making a plot, can also produce histograms and scatter plots. Described on this page.
  • MakeClass: Creates a header and source file for a specific TTree (NTuple). You fill in a method, do the looping yourself. You usually only edit the source file. ROOT 5+. See the Nevis tutorial before 2015.
  • MakeSelector: Creates a more organized header and source file. Does the looping for you. You might edit the header to add histograms and other variables. Much faster, and can be used in multithreaded mode to some extent. Root 6+. See the most recent Nevis tutorial.
  • RDataFrame: ROOT 6.14+, provides an implicitly multithreaded system that queues commands until needed. Very new, might have some initial bugs. Use C++ or Python.

There is also a Python binding to ROOT, PyROOT, that is available. Also covered in the Nevis tutorial.

Typing commands one at a time is great for quickly looking at data stored in an NTUPLE. However, it becomes very awkward when you want to do anything sophisticated. ROOT allows you to use macros, files containing many commands which are executed from an interactive session as a single unit. Not only does ROOT provide the ability to use such files, it has commands to create macros which know about your NTUPLE. This is also discussed starting in the 2014 (MakeClass) or 2017 (MakeSelector) Nevis tutorial.

If you are running ROOT, quit and re-start it. Then, execute the following commands:

auto f = new TFile("DVntuple-March04A.root")
auto f = new TFile("DVntuple-March04A.root")
ROOT::RDataFrame frame("DVntuple-March04A.root", "myXiTuple/XiDecayTuple")

This produce a response similar to1:

Info in <TTreePlayer::MakeClass>: Files: Xi_Analysis.h and 
Xi_Analysis.C generated from TTree: XiDecayTuple

Later pages introduce methods to use a ROOT macro to make histograms and scatter plots. Using these methods, edit your Xi_Analysis.C or Xi_Selector.C file to make the same histograms you made typing one-line commands in part (1).

Note: If you use RDataFrame, you will not get any files. Instead, you'll implement everything on the RDataFrame.

1. MakeSelector will complain about not knowing the type of the covariance matrices. That's okay, you won't use them.

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